Do you have the ideal planted aquarium setup, but your plants are inexplicably withering away? It may be due to a lack of essential nutrients. Even if you diligently dose fertilizers, your plants may still be missing vital building blocks necessary for their growth and well-being. Let’s explore how to identify the initial signs of nutrient deficiencies to take appropriate action before your plants reach the brink of death.
Key Takeaways
The Different Types of Plant Nutrient Deficiencies
Nitrogen Deficiency
Insufficient nitrates pose a common problem in planted tanks, particularly for beginners who adhere to a weekly routine of water changes without testing the nitrate levels. This practice can inadvertently result in a lack of nitrogen, even if you regularly dose fertilizers. Typical symptoms of nitrogen deficiency include the yellowing and translucency of older leaves, starting from the tips, as the plant reallocates nutrients from bottom leaves to support new growth at the top.
Another factor leading to nitrogen deficiency is following the recommended fertilizer dosage instructions without adjusting as the plants grow. Just as you naturally increase food portions for fish as they multiply or grow, plants require additional nourishment as they gain height or propagate. Likewise, if you prune or remove plants, it’s crucial to reduce the amount of nitrogen provided. A useful rule of thumb is to match the fertilizer amount with your plants’ growth.
If you notice yellow or translucent leaves on a recently added plant, this could be a sign of melting instead of nitrogen deficiency. Plants purchased online or locally are typically cultivated emersed (out of water), and their emersed-grown leaves will gradually wither away to make room for healthy, submersed-grown leaves. Stem plants, for example, tend to shed their lower leaves, leaving only bare stems at the bottom with fresh leaves on top. Once the transition to fully submersed-grown leaves is complete, you can trim off the healthy-looking top portion and replant it, eliminating the unsightly skinny stems. Keep in mind that certain plants, like anubias and java fern, are hardier than others and adapt more easily to new environments.
Iron Deficiency
Plants lacking iron typically exhibit yellowing or paleness on their newest leaves, while the older leaves retain their normal appearance. Incorporating high concentrations of iron into regular fertilizers can be challenging. In such cases, it’s advisable to use specific iron supplements to address iron deficiencies effectively. Additionally, adding extra iron can enhance the vibrant coloration of red plants.
Potassium Deficiency
Diagnosing potassium deficiency is relatively straightforward. Affected plant leaves develop distinctive pinholes, which may be rimmed with brown or yellow. Keep an eye on java fern and anubias, as they thrive in environments with higher potassium levels. You can purchase potassium-specific supplements, but if you already use Easy Green, our broad-spectrum fertilizer, you need not worry, since it contains extra potassium to rectify such deficiencies.
Phosphate Deficiency
Phosphate, another macronutrient, is consumed by plants in significant quantities. Consequently, deficiencies in phosphate primarily affect older leaves, which begin to yellow and develop soggy brown patches. Green algae spots may also appear as these leaves decompose. While phosphate deficiency is relatively rare due to its presence in fish food, some individuals inadvertently use phosphate-absorbing pads in their filters to prevent algae growth, inadvertently starving the plants of phosphate.
Magnesium Deficiency
A magnesium deficiency manifests similarly to an iron deficiency, with leaves becoming lighter in color but retaining dark veins. However, this deficiency primarily affects older leaves rather than new growth. Magnesium is typically present in most general-purpose fertilizers, so increasing its dosage as part of your fertilization routine or using magnesium supplements (such as Epsom salts) can help alleviate this deficiency. Please note that this condition is often related to calcium deficiencies.
Calcium Deficiency
Twisted or gnarled new leaves often indicate calcium or water hardness issues. Low water hardness frequently coincides with deficiencies in calcium, magnesium, and manganese. If you have soft water or use reverse osmosis de-ionized (RO/DI) water for your discus or crystal shrimp, you might need to introduce these minerals through special salts. Gradually increasing calcium levels and water hardness can be achieved by incorporating crushed coral into the substrate or filter, using Wonder Shell in the aquarium, or dosing Seachem Equilibrium minerals.
How to Correct Nutrient Deficiencies
To effectively treat your plants, first identify the specific nutrient deficiency and determine the appropriate remedial measures. This may involve adjusting fertilizer dosages, using specific supplements, increasing water hardness, providing more fish food, or removing some plants. If you choose to dose more fertilizer, ensure it contains the necessary nutrients. For instance, Easy Green, our recommended all-in-one liquid fertilizer, provides a comprehensive range of essential nutrients for thriving aquatic plants. Unlike ammonia-based fertilizers, Easy Green is entirely safe for use with fish, shrimp, snails, and other invertebrates.
In most cases, increasing the dosage of all-in-one fertilizers resolves deficiencies effectively. By addressing a lack of nitrogen, for example, you are likely addressing multiple nutrient deficiencies simultaneously. Solely dosing a nitrogen supplement may deplete other crucial nutrients, leading to the emergence of new deficiencies. However, by using Easy Green or Easy Root Tabs, you can provide the necessary macronutrients and micronutrients your plants require at optimal concentrations.
Allow at least two to three weeks to observe the effects of your actions and determine whether they have helped or exacerbated the situation. Based on the results, adjust your fertilization schedule accordingly to match your plants’ actual nutrient consumption. Planted aquariums are dynamic ecosystems with ever-evolving fertilizer needs. These requirements change as plants grow, leaves are pruned, and new plants are added or removed. Regularly inspect your plants and swiftly address any nutrient deficiencies to cultivate a beautiful and thriving planted aquarium.
For a handy reference guide, download our free infographic on plant nutrient deficiencies here.
Remember, a well-nourished aquatic plant ecosystem is the key to a stunning underwater paradise!