Can Peace Lilies Thrive Outdoors? Discover the Answer

Peace Lilies, those elegant houseplants with their striking white flowers and lush green leaves, are native to Central America. Although they are well-suited for indoor gardening, many growers are eager to explore the possibility of growing them outdoors. In this article, we will delve into whether this is a feasible option and provide guidance on caring for outdoor Peace Lilies.

Can Peace Lilies Flourish Outdoors?

Peace Lilies can indeed thrive outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10-12. Whether planted directly into the ground as ground cover or in spacious containers, outdoor Peace Lilies require regular pruning and should be placed in areas with dappled shade for optimal results. It is important to protect them from temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12.7 degrees Celsius) to ensure their well-being.

Creating the Ideal Environment for Peace Lilies

Since Peace Lilies are tropical plants, they are sensitive to cold temperatures. Thus, it is advisable to consider your location’s suitability for outdoor cultivation. The recommended USDA hardiness zone for Peace Lilies is 10-12.

In regions with tropical climates like Hawaii and Florida, Peace Lilies can be grown directly in garden soil. However, for other areas, most gardeners prefer growing them in pots. Placing the pots in shaded decks, porches, or doorways is an excellent choice.

While potted Peace Lilies can be grown outside during the warm summer months, it is crucial to bring them indoors when temperatures drop. These plants cannot endure temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12.7 degrees Celsius).

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To replicate their natural habitat, outdoor Peace Lilies should be provided with shady conditions and soil rich in decomposed organic matter. As a gorgeous ground cover, they can transform a shady spot in your outdoor garden. Just make sure to position them in areas that can offer protection from winter damage while still allowing for easy relocation. Peace Lilies do not experience dormancy, so they can be planted at any time of the year.

To plant a Peace Lily in garden soil, follow these steps:

  • Dig the soil to a depth of 1 foot (30 cm) and fill the area with a mixture of sandy loam, peat moss, and well-rotted compost. Incorporating compost into the soil is highly recommended for optimal conditions.
  • Test the soil’s pH, ensuring it falls within the range of 5.8 to 6.5. A rich and well-draining soil mix is essential.
  • Space the Peace Lilies 24 to 36 inches (60cm to 91 cm) apart when planting in the ground or in box containers.
  • Bury each plant at the same height as they were in their pots and water them immediately after planting.
  • Wait for the plants to droop before watering them again, as overwatering can be detrimental to both new and established plants.
  • Keep a close eye on the moisture level to determine when your outdoor Peace Lilies need watering.
  • There are various options for fertilizing outdoor Peace Lilies. You can use a slow-release dry fertilizer, mixing it into the soil during planting. Alternatively, a 3:1:2 liquid fertilizer can be applied weekly by diluting 1/8 teaspoon in approximately two gallons of water.

Caring for Outdoor Peace Lilies

Once you have adorned your outdoor space with young Peace Lilies, it’s time to provide them with proper care. These plants thrive in partial or deep shade, so ensure they are shielded from direct sunlight to prevent foliage burns. While they can tolerate a few hours of morning or evening sunlight, dappled shade best mimics their natural forest floor environment.

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Pruning is crucial to maintain neat foliage, but remember to use disinfected tools for this task. Although Peace Lilies can thrive with minimal feeding, outdoor varieties benefit from occasional fertilization. Using a balanced fertilizer, apply it once in spring and fall.

Regular watering is essential to keep your Peace Lily hydrated. Water deeply and regularly to maintain moist garden soil. Keep in mind that outdoor Peace Lilies have a higher transpiration rate compared to indoor-grown ones. Adjust your watering schedule based on temperature, light, and soil conditions. During summer, water them multiple times per week, while in winter, reduce the frequency as the plant’s growth slows down. If your area receives sufficient rainfall, decrease watering accordingly. Using room temperature water helps protect your Peace Lily from chlorine and cold damage.

In regions prone to frost, promptly move your outdoor Peace Lilies to a warm area, as they are sensitive to frost. Spraying them with insecticidal soap or neem oil and regularly cleaning debris at the base of the plant will help protect them from pests and fungal issues.

Extra Tips for Outdoor Peace Lilies

Here are a few additional tips for successfully growing Peace Lilies outdoors:

  • As fast-growing tropical plants, outdoor Peace Lilies should be divided after one or two years of growth. Once your plant reaches one year of age, it will begin blooming.
  • Mulch the soil with 1 inch of natural mulch or shredded bark. This not only enhances the appearance but also helps maintain soil stability.
  • Avoid planting Peace Lilies in areas with sea breezes or high salt content in the soil, as they are not tolerant of salts.
  • In extremely cold regions, it is advisable to grow Peace Lilies in planters for easy mobility rather than planting them directly in the ground.
  • On windy days, water your plants more frequently, as water evaporates faster under such conditions.
  • Ensure that the ground soil’s temperature does not drop below 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius).
Further reading:  The Perfect Soil for Thriving Fiddle Leaf Figs

Frequently Asked Questions about Growing Peace Lilies Outdoors

Are Peace Lilies invasive in outdoor gardens?

No, Peace Lilies are not invasive plants, so there is no risk of them overpowering other plants in your outdoor garden.

How can I ensure good air circulation for my outdoor Peace Lilies?

For optimal air circulation, space your outdoor lilies at least 2.5-3 feet (0.76 – 0.9m) apart. If the foliage becomes overgrown and obstructs airflow, you can trim it to a more reasonable size.

Why are the edges of my outdoor Peace Lilies turning brown?

The browning of outdoor Peace Lilies’ edges commonly occurs due to either overwatering or over-fertilization. Adjust your watering schedule to provide water only when necessary and reduce the frequency and quantity of fertilization.

With proper care and attention, Peace Lilies can bring their vibrant beauty to your outdoor space, adding charm and elegance to any garden or patio. Remember to choose the appropriate hardiness zone and create an environment that mimics their natural habitat. Whether gracing your garden soil or adorning stylish containers, outdoor Peace Lilies are certain to thrive and captivate with their stunning white blooms. For more gardening tips and supplies, visit Ames Farm Center.
