Green Plant With Yellow Flowers

Are you looking for a lovely yellow-flowering plant to grow in your garden?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!

In this guide, we share sixty(!) plants with yellow flowers that can be used to brighten up your flower beds and bring some sunshine to your garden displays.

From large trees and golden shrubs to small houseplants and herbs, there is something on this list for everyone that will hopefully inspire you to get planting.

1) Primrose

yellow flowering primrose with creamy petals and a darker yellow centre with textured green leaves growing from mulched ground
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Primula vulgaris
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: semi-evergreen
  • SIZE: 0-0.1m in height, 0.1-0.3m spread

Often presenting creamy-yellow flowers that flower in the spring, Primula vulgaris or ‘Common Primrose’ is the perfect way to start this list.

These fragrant flowers are often found in UK gardens as they are easy to plant and are a great choice for filling in any space you may have in your garden beds or borders.

2) Yellow Archangel

yellow archangel plant with glossy green leaves and bell-shaped flowers growing on the tall stems
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Lamium galeobdolon
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.5-1m spread

Native to the UK and other parts of Europe, yellow archangels are wildflowers that are popular with pollinators and wildlife-friendly gardens.

With glossy leaves and hooded yellow flowers that appear in summer, this hardy perennial grows best in a shaded location and can grow up to 50cm in height with double the spread.

3) Gold Dust

Aurinia saxatilis with clusters of small yellow flowers growing from long thin stems outside
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Aurinia saxatilis
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Another perennial that is great for pollinators, Aurinia saxatilis, also known as gold dust, flowers from early spring until the end of summer.

This evergreen perennial produces clusters of tiny yellow flowers on thin stems and it will thrive in the well-drained conditions of a rock or gravel garden.

4) Rockrose

yellow rockrose plant with fern-like foliage growing in between large grey rocks outdoors
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Helianthemum nummularium
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Rockrose is, unsurprisingly, another yellow flowering plant that is suited to the dry conditions that rock gardens provide.

With long-lasting blooms and delicate evergreen foliage, rockrose is a relatively easy-to-grow plant if planted in a site that receives plenty of sun.

5) Daffodil

common daffodils with trumpet-shaped flowers and long thin leaves growing in a grassy field
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Narcissus pseudonarcissus
  • PLANT TYPE: bulb / perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0-0.1m spread

A UK garden favourite, daffodils are bulbous perennials that are planted in autumn for flowers that appear as early as February.

Their trumpet-shaped blooms add some colour to garden displays in the darker months and are great for growing with other spring bulbs in a lasagne planting scheme.

6) Carnation ‘Golden Sceptre’

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Dianthus ‘Golden Sceptre’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Carnations come in a wide range of wonderful colours, but ‘Golden Sceptre’ is a great choice if you’re after a bright yellow summer bloom.

Preferring an alkaline soil, grow this perennial in full sun in a traditional cottage garden planting scheme or your flower beds and borders.

7) Giant Knapweed

giant knapweed plant with globe thistle-like yellow frilly flowers, growing from tall stems
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Centaurea macrocephala
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 1-1.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

With frilly flower heads that grow on erect stems up to 1.5m tall, the giant knapweed is a summer-flowering perennial that will need to be lifted and divided regularly to stop it from spreading too much in one place.

However, if you’re willing to put in the time, this hardy plant can make a great addition to most garden displays.

8) Cup Plant

yellow flowering silphium perfoliatum plant with large green leaves
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Silphium perfoliatum
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 0.5-1m spread

A shrubby plant that can reach up to 2.5m in height, Silphium perfoliatum has bright yellow, daisy-like flowers that would look great at the back of a garden border.

The cup plant will need to be planted in a loam-based growing medium, but once it is established, should be fairly easy to care for.

9) Yarrow ‘Moonshine’

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Achillea ‘Moonshine’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: semi-evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

‘Moonshine’ is a yellow flowering variety of yarrow that flowers in summer and autumn, producing clusters of tiny blooms that grow on tall stems.

Beloved by pollinators, grow yarrow in an exposed position in full sun in a wildlife garden or a more traditional cottage planting scheme.

The drought tolerance of this plant makes it a great choice for borders which bake.

10) Prickly Pear

prickly pear cactus with lots of yellow and orange flowers
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Opuntia polyacantha
  • PLANT TYPE: succulent / houseplant / cactus
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 1.5-2.5m spread

Typically grown as a houseplant here in the UK, the prickly pear plant is a cactus with a spreading habit that bears yellow flowers throughout the summer months.

These succulents will do best in temperatures of around 18°C, but should not be subject to anything cooler than 10°C as then they will not flower.

11) Olympian Mullein

Verbascum olympicum shrub with tall stems
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Verbascum olympicum
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 0.5-1m spread

When grown in a suitable position in full sun with chalk or loam-based growing medium that has an alkaline pH, olympian mullein will produce lovely clusters of pale yellow, bell-shaped flowers in the summer months.

I’d recommend growing this perennial against a wall or trellis at the back of a garden bed so it can add ornamental value to your displays whilst still getting the support it needs.

Though it can seed freely, individual plants are only short-lived perennials.

12) Creeping Buttercup

yellow buttercups from a ranunculus repens plant growing in a grassy field
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Ranunculus repens
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Ranunculus repens, also known as the creeping buttercup, is a deciduous, summer-flowering plant that is often seen in grassy fields and is considered a weed here in the UK.

Buttercups are great for planting alongside other summer-flowering perennials in a wildflower meadow display where they can spread freely.

13) Goldenrod ‘Goldenmosa’

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Solidago ‘Goldenmosa’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Not only does this woody perennial bear clusters of yellow flowers over the summer, but the stems of ‘Goldenmosa’ that grow up to 1m tall are also a vivid shade of yellow.

This plant needs a sand-based growing medium to flower successfully and cannot cope in moist soil that is prone to waterlogging.

“I love the fuzz of yellow this plant adds to planting schemes and its very uniform height works well with taller plants, such as Verbena bonariensis, poking through it,” shares Master Horticulturist Peter Lickorish.

Further reading:  Why Do Cannabis Leaves Lose Their Vibrancy?

14) Yellow Daylily

star-shaped daylilies with some flower buds yet to open
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.5-1m spread

Daylilies are lovely garden flowers and this yellow variety is no exception.

With sunny blooms that appear at the start of summer growing from stems 1m in height, daylilies are great for planting in moist soil that can often be too damp for other perennials, like goldenrod ‘Goldenmosa’, to survive in.

15) Drumsticks

round yellow flowers from craspedia globosa plants growing from tall stems in a herbaceous border
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Craspedia globosa
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial / annual
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.5-1m spread

Drumsticks, botanically known as Craspedia globosas, are usually grown as annuals in UK gardens.

Their unique flowers are spherical in shape and can be used as cut flowers around the home – either when they are freshly harvested or after being dried out.

16) Yellow Flame Flower

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Tropaeolum ciliatum
  • PLANT TYPE: climber / shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 4-8m in height, 2.5-4m spread

A large climbing shrub, Tropaeolum ciliatum bears star-shaped yellow flowers with long stamens in the summer and autumn.

Growing up to 8m in height with a 4m spread, this deciduous plant would look great at the back of a border and can even be used for garden hedging if you are willing to take the time to prune it as such.

17) Yellow Snapdragon

close-up of the yellow flowering stem of a yellow snapdragon plant
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Antirrhinum majus ‘Sonnet Yellow’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial / annual
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Snapdragons are popular choices for traditional cottage gardens, and ‘Sonnet Yellow’ is a lovely variety to choose if it’s yellow blooms you are after.

Slightly smaller than other varieties, this snapdragon only grows up to 1m tall and is commonly grown as an annual here in the UK due to its H3 hardiness rating.

18) Bear’s Ear

small yellow flowers from a bear
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Primula auricula
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

A small evergreen, bear’s ears produce dainty star-shaped flowers during the spring that can bring some colour to your garden beds or borders at the time of the year when it can be lacking.

This hardy perennial is easy to grow and care for and bears a wonderful aroma when in bloom.

“‘Old Gold’ is one of my favourite yellow cultivars of this plant,” adds Peter.

19) Evening Trumpet Flower

Gelsemium sempervirens shrub
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Gelsemium sempervirens
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub / climber / perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 2.5-4m in height, 0.5-1m spread

Another perennial with fragrant flowers, the evening trumpet flower is a spreading shrub that produces star-shaped, tubular blooms throughout the spring and summer months.

20) Tulip ‘Yellow Purissima’

lots of gold coloured tulips growing in rows outside
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Tulipa ‘Yellow Purissima’
  • PLANT TYPE: bulb / perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Tulips are lovely spring-flowering bulbs that are usually planted in autumn for a burst of colour at the start of the new year.

‘Yellow Purissima’ produces yellow bowl-shaped flowers that would look delightful if planted in a container display with other spring bulbs like daffodils.

21) Rough Hawkbit

rough hawkbit flowers with frilly petals growing on tall stems in a grassy field with other weeds
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Leontodon hispidus
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0-0.1m spread

Although often mistaken for a weed, rough hawkbit can actually provide great colourful interest in your flower borders, beds or meadows.

The frilly flowers of this hardy perennial are also great for pollinators, so don’t rule this plant out when considering which yellow flowers might make a good addition to your existing displays.

22) Bay Tree

bay tree with clusters of creamy-yellow flowers
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Laurus nobilis
  • PLANT TYPE: herb / shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • SIZE: 8-12m in height, 8m spread

Bay trees are, in fact, evergreen shrubs, and they are most commonly known for their leaves which can be harvested and used as a culinary herb.1Danahy, A. (2020, March 9). Can You Eat Bay Leaves? Healthline. Retrieved March 27, 2023, from

However, bay trees also produce clusters of small yellow flowers that can make this large shrub stand out in the spring months.

23) Laburnum

laburnum tree with oval leaves and cascading stems bearing frilly yellow flowers
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Laburnum anagyroides
  • PLANT TYPE: tree
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 4-8m in height, 4-8m spread

Moving on to an actual tree, Common Laburnum grows up to 8m in height and spread and bears blooms of yellowy-gold flowers that hang from cascading branches.

If you have the space in your garden to grow laburnum, I would highly recommend it, as the sunny blooms this tree produces over the first half of the year are truly one-of-a-kind.

24) Chrysanthemum ‘Yellow Starlet’

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Chrysanthemum ‘Yellow Starlet’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.6m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

With lots of yellow-flowering chrysanthemum varieties to choose from, I’ve gone with ‘Yellow Scarlet’, as its frilly, often daisy-like blooms help to brighten up autumn displays.

Other yellow chrysanthemums include ‘Golden Cheryl’, ‘Honeybush Yellow’ and ‘Beverly Gold’.

25) Weeping Forsythia

a flowering forsythia suspensa shrub
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Forsythia suspensa
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 2.5-4m in height, 2.5-4m spread

A medium-sized shrub, Weeping Forsythia bears trumpet-shaped flowers that are bright yellow and appear in spring.

This low-maintenance plant is a great choice for hedging and natural screening and will also look great when planted in cottage garden schemes.

26) Mimosa

mimosa shrub with round, frilly yellow flowers and fern-like green leaves with a blue sky behind it
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Acacia dealbata
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): winter / spring
  • SIZE: 8-12m in height, 2.5-4m spread

Native to parts of Australia and best suited to warmer regions of the UK, the mimosa tree, Acacia dealbata, is an evergreen shrub that, when grown correctly, is truly a sight to behold.

The yellow flowers are made up of long, thin petals that grow in rounded clusters and the foliage is divided into thin slits, giving it a fern-like appearance.

This shrub is not the easiest to grow and might need extra protection over winter, so make sure you do your research before planting Acacia dealbata in your garden displays.

27) Tickseed ‘Early Sunrise’

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Early Sunrise’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial / annual
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Early Sunrise’ is a yellow flowering tickseed that is sometimes grown as an annual in garden beds with other short-lived plants here in the UK.

Flowering in spring, ‘Early Sunrise’ bears ruffled, yellowy-orange blooms that last up until August that will brighten up your existing displays.

28) Rose Of Sharon

star-shaped yellow flowers and dark green foliage from a rose of Sharon shrub growing from grassy ground
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Hypericum calycinum
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen / semi-evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / winter
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 1-1.5m spread

Hypericum calycinum, more commonly known as the ‘Rose of Sharon’, is a small shrub that produces star-shaped flowers in summer.

A shade-loving plant, this shrub makes a great ground cover and is good for underplanting larger shrubs that would benefit from a living mulch.

29) Yellow Corydalis

bell-shaped yellow flowers from corydalis lutea plants
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Corydalis lutea
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Another plant that grows best in the shade, yellow corydalis is an evergreen perennial that flowers from spring to autumn, with clusters of trumpet-shaped blooms appearing from as early as March.

This plant is great for garden beds and borders and will also work well in rock or gravel gardens as it can tolerate drier conditions than many other similar plants.

30) Hyacinth ‘Yellow Queen’

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Yellow Queen’
  • PLANT TYPE: bulb / houseplant
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0-0.1m spread
Further reading:  Sticky Plant Leaves: Unraveling the Mystery

Hyacinth ‘Yellow Queen’ produces creamy-yellow blooms that grow on erect stems around 20cm tall that would look great in an informal cottage garden.

With fragrant flowers, this plant would also be a lovely addition to a patio display, where you could enjoy its fresh aroma whenever you step outside.

31) Double Meadow Buttercup

double meadow buttercups
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Ranunculus acris ‘Flore Pleno’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

With rounded, ruffled flowers that appear in the summer, the double meadow buttercup is a fully-hardy deciduous perennial that works well in traditional cottage garden planting schemes on heavy or damp soils.

32) Ludlow’s Tree Peony

two frilly yellow flowers from a Ludlow
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Paeonia ludlowii
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 1.5-2.5m spread

Ludlow’s Tree Peony is a medium-sized shrub with frilly flowers that open to 12cm in diameter at the end of spring.

This shrub is great for planting near and around roses as it likes similar conditions, but make sure it is positioned somewhere where it will be protected from any strong wind.

33) Butterfly Bush ‘Honeycomb’

a branch from a buddleja x weyeriana
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Buddleja × weyeriana ‘Honeycomb’
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 1-1.5m spread

Buddleja, more aptly named the ‘Butterfly Bush’, is a deciduous shrub that is known for its flowering clusters that are frequented by butterflies and other beneficial pollinators.

‘Honeycomb’ is a stunning yellow variety that you can grow in your wildlife-friendly displays.

34) Yellow Bells

shrubby trumpet flower
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Tecoma stans
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub / tree
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): winter / spring
  • SIZE: 6-10m in height, 4-8m spread

With large, trumpet-shaped blooms appearing in winter, the shrubby trumpet flower brings an abundance of sunny flowers that will brighten up even the darkest of days.

I’d recommend growing this frost-tender shrub in a container so you can bring it inside over winter once temperatures start to drop below 5°C.

35) Marsh Marigold

marsh marigold plant with bright yellow, star-shaped flowers growing in boggy ground
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Caltha palustris
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial / aquatic
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Best grown in waterlogged, boggy soil or at the edge of a garden pond, marsh marigold is a small aquatic perennial that is easy to care for once established.

Just make sure you can provide the right growing conditions in your garden for this plant to flower successfully before attempting to grow it.

36) Rose ‘Graham Thomas’

yellow roses from the
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Rosa ‘Graham Thomas’
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub / climber
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 1-1.5m in height, 1-1.5m spread

A climbing shrub that goes up to 1.5m in height and spread, the ‘Graham Thomas’ rose bear cup-shaped, frilly yellow flowers throughout the summer and autumn months.

You can plant several of these shrubs side by side to create some natural screening for privacy in your garden, or, my favourite option, you can also grow this shrub against a trellis for dramatic displays.

37) Meadow Rue

meadow rue shrub with tall stems bearing clusters of slender yellow flowers
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Thalictrum flavum
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 1-1.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Thalictrum flavum, or meadow rue, is a fully-hardy deciduous perennial that bears small fluffy clusters of lemony-yellow flowers from May onwards.

Try growing this plant, which can grow up to 1.5m in height, in mixed perennial displays in your flower beds and borders.

38) Black-Eyed Susan

black-eyed Susan plants with daisy-like, yellow flowers and brown centres
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Rudbeckia fulgida
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.5-1m spread

A commonly spotted flower in UK gardens, Black-Eyed Susan is a daisy-like perennial with yellow flowers that have dark brown circular centres.

This low-maintenance plant has long-lasting blooms and can be added to existing garden displays for a splash of colour, while other plants are fading in early autumn.

“My advice – if you’re thinking of growing this plant – is to go big and have a vast swathe, in true prairie garden style,” recommends Peter.

39) Freesia ‘Fragrant Sunburst’

close-up of the bright yellow flowers from a freesia
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Freesia ‘Fragrant Sunburst’
  • PLANT TYPE: bulb / perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

This frost-tender perennial will need some added winter protection, particularly in the colder regions of the UK, but if cared for correctly, will reward you with clusters of trumpet-shaped yellow flowers throughout spring and summer.

F. ‘Fragrant Sunburst’ is a delightful bulbous plant that could be grown with daffodils and tulips in a classic container display.

40) Gold Medallion Tree

a cassia leptophylla tree with cascading branches bearing cup-shaped flowers and oval-shaped green leaves
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Cassia leptophylla
  • PLANT TYPE: tree
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: semi-evergreen
  • SIZE: 4-8m in height, 8-12m spread

Cassia leptophylla, commonly known as the gold medallion tree, is a half-hardy plant that bears bright yellow flowers that grow on drooping stems to create a cascading effect.

Growing up to 8m in height with a 12m spread, make sure you have the room to plant this tree before you purchase it.

“Its hardiness is very much borderline, so only grow it outdoors, without protection, in the south of the UK,” says Peter.

“Having said that, it’s an absolute stunner if you can nurture it through winter.”

41) Stalked Bulbine

pollinator hovering next to the yellow flowers of a bulbine frutescens plant
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Bulbine frutescens
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 1-1.5m spread

With clusters of yellow flowers that unusually are in bloom all year round, the stalked bulbine plant is an evergreen perennial that can spread up to 1.5m – three times its height!

To keep its bright blooms in flower throughout the year, you will need to grow stalked bulbines in an alkaline, loam-based growing medium in a sheltered spot in your garden that gets plenty of sun.

Alternatively, treat it as a houseplant which is moved outdoors over summer.

42) Yellow Blanket Flower

yellow blanket flowers growing on tall stems outside in a field
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Gaillardia × grandiflora ‘Mesa Yellow’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Gaillardia × grandiflora ‘Mesa Yellow’, or just the yellow blanket flower, produces daisy-like flowers on stems that can grow up to around 0.5m in the summer and autumn months.

This plant will look great in your flower borders and beds, and you can also use the cut flowers in your home for stunning displays.

43) Rose ‘Mountbatten’

a huge field of rosa
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Rosa ‘Mountbatten’
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 1-1.5m in height, 0.5-1m spread

Another variety of rose, ‘Mountbatten’ is a slightly smaller shrub than ‘Graham Thomson’ but its creamy-yellow blooms are just as beautiful.

44) Darwin’s Barberry

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Berberis darwinii
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 1.5-2.5m spread

A small fruiting shrub, Darwin’s barberry produces orangey-yellow flowers in spring that are followed by black and blue berries that last until August.

This lovely shrub would be great at the back of a garden bed and can also be used as a hedge if you have the time to prune it.

45) Yellow Garlic ‘Jeannine’

flowering allium moly plant in a garden bed
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Allium moly ‘Jeannine’
  • PLANT TYPE: bulb / perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Yellow garlic ‘Jeannine’ produces clusters of bright yellow flowers in the summer that are shaped like stars.

This bulbous perennial has unique green foliage that is tinged with a silvery hue, adding more to your garden than just its bright blooms if you decide to grow it.

46) St John’s Wort

Hypericum perforatum with star-shaped flowers growing from a grassy ground
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Hypericum perforatum
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Another star-shaped flower, St John’s wort produces small yellow blooms in the summer months that would be a beautiful addition to a wildflower meadow or another low-maintenance planting scheme.

47) Pansy ‘Sorbet Yellow Delight’

pansies with dark green foliage from the
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Viola ‘Sorbet Yellow Delight’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread
Further reading:  A Guide to Identifying Pepper Plants

Pansies are a common sight in UK gardens due to their ease of cultivation and their distinct flowers which bring a burst of colour to wherever they are planted.

‘Sorbet Yellow Delight’ is no exception to this and, with deep yellow flowers that are highly fragrant, this evergreen perennial could be perfect for those who are looking for a new variety to try.

48) Fennel

tiny golden flowering umbels growing on the tall stems of a fennel plant
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Foeniculum vulgare
  • PLANT TYPE: herb / perennial / biennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 0.1-0.7m spread

With stunning clusters of tiny yellow flowers growing from stems that can reach up to 2.5m tall, fennel is a perennial herb that has lots of culinary uses if you are interested in planting something that will give you more than just a splash of sunny colour.

“Foeniculum vulgare is one plant I can’t live without,” shares Nicola Macnaughton, a Garden Blogger and Designer.

“The umbel-shaped yellow flowers are so striking in summer and the foliage is a fantastic contrast to other leaves.

“It is also culinary and moves so beautifully in the wind – there is so much to love about this plant.”

However, fennel can be invasive if it is allowed to go to seed, so keep that in mind before planting.

49) Hellebore ‘Yellow Lady’

helleborus x hydridus
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Helleborus × hybridus ‘Yellow Lady’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: semi-evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): winter / spring
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Hellebore ‘Yellow Lady’ bears creamy-yellow flowers dotted with red which grow from arching stems up to 50cm in height.

This lovely hybrid variety will brighten up your displays from as early as February and can flower for a few months.

Make sure you grow ‘yellow lady’ in a sheltered position with alkaline soil, as it will not cope well with acidity or strong winds.

Some hellebores will freely seed, but seedlings are rarely the same colour as their parents and can be a less appealing off-white.

50) Fern-Leaved Beggar Tick

star-shaped yellow flowers from a bidens ferulifolia shrub with light green, silvery foliage
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Bidens ferulifolia
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial / annual
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.5-1m spread

Most commonly grown as an annual here in the UK, Bidens ferulifolia produces bright yellow, daisy-like flowers that stand out against their thin, silvery-green leaves.

Bidens is best used in your garden beds or borders and it can create a wonderful ground cover, sometimes spreading 3 times its height!

51) Persian Buttercup ‘Aviv Yellow’

ruffled, round blooms from a Persian buttercup
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Ranunculus asiaticus ‘Aviv Yellow’
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

The large ruffled blooms of the Persian buttercup are truly a sight to behold.

I’ve chosen one of my favourite yellow-flowering varieties for this list, ‘Aviv yellow’, because its cup-shaped blooms are long-lasting and can be used for planting in a wide range of schemes.

Other than in the sunniest areas of the south, it is safer to lift these plants or move containers indoors over winter.

52) Mount Omei Busy Lizzie

yellow Impatiens omeiana flower with green branches growing outside in front of a tree stump
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Impatiens omeiana
  • PLANT TYPE: perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • SIZE: 0.1-0.5m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

With unusual flowers that often grow in clusters, Impatiens omeiana is a shade-loving plant that is quite particular about its growing conditions.

This evergreen perennial needs to be planted in a sheltered, shady position that has a loam-based growing medium that does not get waterlogged.

However, if you can meet these demands, it is surprisingly an easy plant to care for once established.

53) Sunflower ‘Sunsation Yellow’

close-up of the flower heads from a sunflower plant
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Helianthus annuus ‘Sunsation Yellow’
  • PLANT TYPE: annual
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.5-1m spread

‘Sunsation Yellow’ is a cultivar of sunflowers that produces flowers that do have the traditional brown centre but also bear more yellowy petals than the most common variety.

With its flower heads reaching nearly 20cm wide, it would make a great patio container display and might need some support so that its tall stem can grow without breaking.

However, this annual is also delightfully compact, so a good choice for containers too.

54) Kowhai ‘Sun King’

a kowhai
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Sophora ‘Sun King’
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): winter / spring
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 1.5-2.5m spread

A winter-flowering shrub, kowhai ‘Sun King’ bears bell-shaped yellow flowers that stand out against its evergreen foliage that is made up of tiny silvery-green leaves growing, drooping on long branches.

This half-hardy plant would make a really beautiful addition to a traditional cottage garden and would also look great at the back of garden beds.

55) Glaucous Scorpion-Vetch

Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca shrub with lots of trumpet-shaped flowers growing in clusters in front of other green leaved shrubs
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.5-1m spread

Glaucous Scorpion-Vetch is also a half-hardy evergreen, but this shrub flowers from late spring, producing clusters of bright, fragrant, yellow flowers that last well into summer.

Grow this small shrub in a sheltered location where it will receive plenty of sun.

56) Winter Aconite

bowl-shaped yellow flowers from a winter aconite plant
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Eranthis hyemalis
  • PLANT TYPE: bulb / perennial
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): winter / spring
  • SIZE: 0-0.1m in height, 0-0.1m spread

Probably the smallest plant on this list, winter aconite grows to only 10cm in height and spread and produces cup-shaped flowers from late winter that will bring a bit of colour to the bottom of your garden displays.

Plant this bulbous perennial underneath larger shrubs or use it as ground cover at the base of a particular plant.

57) Yellow Honeysuckle

close-up of a flowering cluster of a yellow honeysuckle plant
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Lonicera flava
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub / climber
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 4-8m in height, 2.5-4m spread

Honeysuckle is a stunning UK favourite and this yellow variety is perhaps one of the best.

With tube-shaped blooms that are in a fiery shade of yellowy-orange, this spring-flowering shrub is a great choice for growing against a wall or trellis to add some colour to the back of your borders.

“I love enjoying the heady fragrance of honeysuckles just as the evenings begin rapidly elongating in April,” Peter shares.

58) Night-Blooming Jasmine

long, tubular yellowy-orange blooms from a cestrum aurantiacum plant with light green ovular leaves
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Cestrum aurantiacum
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub / climber
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: evergreen
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): spring / summer
  • SIZE: 1.5-2.5m in height, 1-1.5m spread

Another shrub with a climbing habit, night-blooming jasmine produces slender, tubular blooms in large clusters from March through to August.

With fragrant flowers that are most aromatic at night, this plant could be a good choice for a container that can be situated near your home and garden paths.

It will likely need bringing undercover over winter.

59) Everlasting Flower ‘Visual Gold Yellow’

  • BOTANICAL NAME: XEROchrysum bracteatum ‘Visual Gold Yellow’
  • PLANT TYPE: annual
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • FLOWERING SEASON(S): summer / autumn
  • SIZE: 0.5-1m in height, 0.1-0.5m spread

Although it may look like a sunflower, Helichrysum bracteatum is actually more commonly known as the everlasting flower, producing small sunflower-like blooms during the summer and autumn.

‘Visual Gold Yellow’ is a yellowy-orange variety that would make a great addition to an annual planting display in your flower beds or containers.

60) Chinese Witch Hazel

frilly petals from a waxy branch of a Chinese witch hazel plant growing outside in front of a blurred backdrop
  • BOTANICAL NAME: Hamamelis mollis
  • PLANT TYPE: shrub
  • FOLIAGE TYPE: deciduous
  • SIZE: 2.5-4m in height, 2.5-4m spread

I’m ending this list with one of my favourites – Chinese Witch Hazel.

This shrub, which can grow up to 4m in height and spread, produces yellow flowers with crinkled petals that resemble paper confetti throughout the winter months.

Its show-stopping blooms are not the only attraction, as its leaves also turn yellow in the autumn before falling off in the winter.

Hopefully, this guide has given you plenty of yellow flowering plants that would be a great option for you and your garden.


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