Do you want to bring a burst of vibrant color into your home? Look no further than the Neon Pothos plant. With its stunning chartreuse leaves, this houseplant is sure to brighten up any space. But caring for this unique plant requires a few essential tips and tricks. Let’s dive into the world of Neon Pothos care and explore how you can successfully grow and nurture this beautiful plant.
Key Takeaways
Neon Pothos Traits
Neon Pothos plants are typically sold in 4, 6, or 8-inch grow pots. You may even find them in hanging baskets. If you prefer a tabletop display, simply remove the hangers. Over time, the lush trails can reach impressive lengths, making them a perfect choice for hanging planters or training them to climb up a trellis.
Neon Pothos is a versatile trailing plant that thrives in hanging containers. You can also get creative by growing it on hoops, wooden poles, or moss poles. Additionally, it makes a fantastic addition to dish gardens and living walls. If you prefer a more upright growth pattern, train it to climb using a piece of wood or a small trellis.
Growth Rate
This variety of Pothos is known for its moderate to fast growth rate. However, keep in mind that lower light conditions and cooler temperatures can slow down its growth.
Big Draw
The star attraction of the Neon Pothos plant is undoubtedly its jazzy chartreuse, heart-shaped leaves. When placed alongside other houseplants, this vibrant beauty steals the show.
Neon Pothos Care
Neon Pothos Light Requirements
Unlike some other Pothos varieties, Neon Pothos plants thrive in moderate to high light conditions. However, be cautious about direct sunlight, as it can burn the leaves. Place your plant at least 8 feet away from west or south-facing windows. If it’s receiving light from only one side, make sure to rotate it occasionally to ensure even growth.
Neon Pothos Watering
To keep your Neon Pothos healthy, water it thoroughly until excess water drains out of the pot. Allow the soil to almost dry out before watering again. Make sure your pot has proper drainage to prevent water buildup, as this plant dislikes soggy soil. The watering frequency depends on various factors such as your home’s temperature, pot size, and type.
Neon Pothos plants are quite adaptable when it comes to temperature. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, as long as they are comfortable for you. Avoid placing the plant near cold drafts or heating and air conditioning vents, as extreme temperature changes can affect its growth rate.
Despite being tropical plants, Neon Pothos can handle average household humidity. However, if you notice signs of stress such as small brown leaf tips due to low humidity levels, you can increase humidity by placing the plant on a saucer filled with water and pebbles. Misting the leaves once or twice a week can also help.
Feed your Neon Pothos with a light application of worm compost and a layer of compost every spring. During the growing season, you can also provide liquid fertilizers like Grow Big, liquid kelp, and Maxsea to stimulate growth. Be cautious not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to salt buildup and root damage. Avoid fertilizing during the plant’s resting period in late fall or winter.
For Neon Pothos, use well-draining soil with added organic material for nourishment. Repotting is essential when the plant becomes root-bound. Detailed instructions on repotting and soil mix can be found in our post and video on “Repotting Pothos & The Soil Mix To Use.”
Pruning is crucial to maintain the length and appearance of your Neon Pothos. Regularly trim the trails and pinch off the tips to encourage new growth. If the plant becomes excessively leggy, you may need to cut it back and propagate the cuttings. Propagation is easy, and you can root the stem cuttings in water or a light mix.
While Neon Pothos plants are generally resilient, they can attract pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, and scale. Keep an eye out for any signs of infestation and take immediate action if necessary. You can find detailed information on identifying and treating these pests in our posts on “Getting Rid Of Mealybugs,” “Spider Mites,” and “Scale.”
Pet Safety
Please note that Neon Pothos, like other plants in the Aracae family, is considered toxic to pets. If you have furry friends at home, make sure to keep the plant out of their reach.
Adding a Neon Pothos plant to your indoor jungle is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a colorful and low-maintenance addition. With its striking chartreuse leaves and easy-care nature, this plant is sure to brighten up your space. Remember to provide it with the right amount of light, water it appropriately, and give it occasional fertilization. With proper care, your Neon Pothos will thrive and become a vibrant centerpiece in your home.
For more plant care tips and inspiration, visit Ames Farm Center. Happy gardening!
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