Create Your Indoor Jungle: Plants with Large Leaves

Are you looking to transform your living space into a lush indoor jungle? Adding indoor plants with big leaves is an affordable and eye-catching way to achieve that at-home jungle feel you’ve been craving. Not only do these plants make a stunning statement, but they also provide a leafy green base that complements smaller plants like African violets or peace lilies, adding a pop of color to any room.

If you’re ready to embrace the beauty of indoor plants with large leafy green leaves, we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore our favorite majestic plants that will spruce up your space and bring the jungle indoors.

African Mask Plant

Alocasia amazonica
Be sure to keep these glossy leaves out of direct sunlight, otherwise they may burn.

Scientific Name: Alocasia amazonica

  • Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Plant size: 2-6 feet tall, 10 inches wide
  • Water needs: Every 6-7 days
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

The African Mask Plant is a striking indoor house plant with large dark green leaves shaped like hearts, featuring wavy edges. Each leaf has thick white veining and a purple underside. It can be a challenge to grow this plant indoors, but it’s well worth the effort for its exceptional beauty. African Mask plants prefer humid conditions and lightly moist soil at all times, making proper drainage essential.

Banana Tree

Even indoors, these trees can grow to the ceiling, and beyond.

Scientific Name: Musa

  • Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Plant size: 12-20 feet tall
  • Water needs: Every 2-3 days
  • Sun needs: Full, direct sun

The Banana Tree is a pet-friendly indoor plant with large leaves that will add tropical beauty to your home. Its yellow-green paddle-shaped leaves and tall trunk create a stunning display. Each leaf can grow up to 10 inches long, and each plant can produce 8 to 12 leaves. To keep your Banana Tree thriving, provide it with humid conditions, well-drained acidic soil, and regular watering.

Birds of Paradise

Strelitzia reginae
If your plant is healthy, you can expect one new leaf a month.

Scientific Name: Strelitzia reginae

  • Plant type: Ornamental, tropical
  • Plant size: 7 feet tall, 4 feet wide
  • Water needs: Every 1-2 weeks
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

The beloved Bird of Paradise is one of the most stunning indoor plants with big leaves. Its vibrant orange and blue flowers resemble feathered wings in flight. The Bird of Paradise has large dark-green leaves that can grow up to 18 inches long and 6 inches wide. These leaves spread out in layers from the central stalk, and the plant will produce a new leaf each month under ideal conditions. To grow a Bird of Paradise indoors, provide it with dense, acidic, well-drained soil, and suitable light conditions.


Caladium bicolor
Add a pop of color to your home with this humidity-loving plant.

Scientific Name: Caladium bicolor

  • Plant type: Tuberous tropical perennial
  • Plant size: 20 inches tall, 14 inches wide
  • Water needs: Maintain even moisture
  • Sun needs: Medium, indirect light

Caladium is an indoor plant with large leaves that will bring a delightful pop of color to any room. Its arrowhead-shaped foliage comes in various colors, including pink, white, red, and green. Each leaf is a riot of color, as if hand-painted. Many leaves also feature variegated red patterns. To keep your Caladium thriving, provide it with high humidity, stable temperatures, and avoid drafty areas. Misting the plant regularly can help increase humidity levels.

Calathea Orbifolia

Goeppertia orbifolia
These Brazil natives prefer semi-shade and high humidity.

Scientific Name: Goeppertia orbifolia

  • Plant type: Tropical, perennial
  • Plant size: 3 feet tall
  • Water needs: Apply filtered water when the top inch of soil is dry
  • Sun needs: Semi-shade
Further reading:  Maximizing Your Broccoli Garden: Companion Planting Tips

Calathea Orbifolia is a stunning calathea variety known for its large, slightly round leaves with pale whitish-green stripes. The underside of the foliage has a silvery-green color. This plant is commonly referred to as a prayer plant due to the way its foliage rises and falls with the sun. Calathea plants originated from Brazil and require high humidity to avoid brown tips. They also prefer nitrogen-rich fertilizer and semi-shaded areas.

Cast-Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior
This is a great plant for beginners, as it is nearly impossible to kill.

Scientific Name: Aspidistra elatior

  • Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Plant size: 3 feet tall, 2 feet wide
  • Water needs: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
  • Sun needs: Indirect sun, partial shade

The Cast-Iron Plant is a beloved houseplant that’s nearly impossible to kill. It thrives on neglect and can survive low-light conditions. Its long, arching, deep-green leaves can each reach up to 2 feet long. Cast-iron plants are perfect for beginners or those with a notoriously brown thumb. They are also resistant to many common pests and diseases.

Dumb Cane

Dieffenbachia seguine
Be sure to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets.

Scientific Name: Dieffenbachia seguine

  • Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Plant size: 10 feet tall, 3 feet wide
  • Water needs: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
  • Sun needs: Bright to low light

The Dumb Cane plant is an indoor house plant that can reach incredible heights indoors. It has showy variegated leaves shaped like pointed paddles. Dumb Cane plants are ideal for beginners as they can easily survive a bit of neglect and thrive in low-light conditions. They also don’t have a specific soil preference. However, it’s important to note that Dumb Cane plants are toxic to humans and pets, so keep them out of reach.

Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree

Musa Tree
If given the right conditions and care, this plant can produce edible fruit.

Scientific Name: Musa

  • Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Plant size: 8 to 10 feet tall
  • Water needs: Water every 2-3 days
  • Sun needs: Bright, direct sunlight

The Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree is a popular banana plant variety known for its shorter stalk. It produces long leaves that start purple and turn green as they mature. With the right conditions and care, this plant can even produce edible fruit. The Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree prefers acidic, loamy, and well-drained soil. Regular fertilization is necessary for optimal growth.

Elephant Ear

These giants are big eaters and need a lot of water to thrive.

Scientific Name: Colocasia

  • Plant type: Ornamental, tropical
  • Plant size: 8 feet tall, 6 feet wide
  • Water needs: 2-3 inches per week
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

Elephant Ear plants get their name from their large, arrowhead-shaped leaves. With various leaf shapes and colors, most commonly blue-green, elephant ears add an exotic touch to any space. These plants are easy to grow and maintain, and they do well in pots indoors. However, they require regular watering to thrive, as they are big eaters. Elephant ears prefer well-drained soil and should be kept away from direct sunlight. It’s important to note that these plants are toxic to animals.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Ficus lyrata
Although temperamental, if given the right conditions and care, these trees can thrive indoors.

Scientific Name: Ficus lyrata

  • Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
  • Plant size: 10 feet tall
  • Water needs: Maintain moderate moisture
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a popular indoor plant with large leaves that can’t be overlooked. Its green, waxy leaves have a distinctive fiddle-like shape. While it can be a challenging plant to care for, it rewards dedicated owners with its beauty. Fiddle leaf fig trees originate from the rainforest and prefer high heat and humidity to thrive. They require a well-drained soil, consistent light, and temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Regular pruning and rich soil are also important for maintaining a healthy plant.

Further reading:  Sansevieria trifasciata 'Whitney': The Ideal Houseplant for Every Home


Hosta spp
Which variety you choose will determine the amount of sunlight necessary.

Scientific Name: Hosta spp.

  • Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Plant size: 4 feet tall, 6 feet wide
  • Water needs: Maintain even and consistent moisture
  • Sun needs: Partial sun to full shade

While hostas are commonly grown outdoors, they make excellent indoor houseplants too. These plants have lush, colorful foliage in shades of blue, green, yellow, and white. Depending on the variety, their leaves can be heart-shaped or lance-shaped, creating a beautiful mounded formation. Hostas are relatively easy to care for, preferring slightly acidic, well-drained, neutral soil. They thrive with consistent moisture but should not be soaked for long periods.

Kentia Palm

Howea forsteriana
This drought-tolerant plant is a great option for beginners.

Scientific Name: Howea forsteriana

  • Plant type: Perennial palm
  • Plant size: 12 feet tall
  • Water needs: Maintain even and consistent moisture until mature
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

The Kentia Palm is a low-maintenance houseplant that adds a touch of old-world elegance to any sunny corner. Its arching, palm-shaped fronds in deep green create a stunning visual display. Kentia palms are adaptable to different environments and can tolerate a wide range of light conditions. They prefer well-drained soil and should be kept away from direct sunlight to avoid leaf burn. Common issues with Kentia palms include pests like spider mites and mealybugs, as well as potassium deficiencies.

Leopard Plant

Farfugium japonicum
If given the right conditions, this plant can produce beautiful yellow flowers.

Scientific Name: Farfugium japonicum

  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
  • Plant size: 4 feet tall, 3 feet wide
  • Water needs: Maintain even and consistent moisture
  • Sun needs: Partial sun to full shade

The Leopard Plant is a member of the sunflower family and produces large, round, shiny foliage that looks beautiful in indoor containers. Some varieties have bright yellow spots on their leaves, giving them their name. This plant also produces stunning yellow flowers when provided with the right conditions. Leopard plants prefer consistent watering to avoid wilt and leaf drop, as well as higher temperatures. Keep them away from drafty windows or air conditioning vents.

Majesty Palm

Ravena rivularis
These gorgeous palms grow around one foot per year.

Scientific Name: Ravena rivularis

  • Plant type: Tree
  • Plant size: 6 feet tall, 6 feet wide
  • Water needs: Keep soil evenly moist to avoid losing lower leaves
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

The Majesty Palm is a tropical plant that produces hundreds of delicate green fronds. It’s famous for its elegant appearance and is one of the most popular indoor palm trees. Majesty palms grow around one foot per year, reaching maximum heights of 6 feet. They require moist, well-drained, acidic soil when grown in containers and prefer high humidity and temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Rubber Tree

Ficus elastica
Be sure to repot your tree once a year for best growth.

Scientific Name: Ficus elastica

  • Plant type: Flowering plant
  • Plant size: 3 to 10 feet tall
  • Water needs: Keep soil evenly moist and well-drained
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

Also known as the Rubber Plant or the Indian Rubber Bush, the Rubber Tree is a beautiful indoor houseplant with large, attractive leaves. Its foliage is thick, waxy, and glossy, with each oblong leaf growing up to 15 inches long. To ensure optimal growth, repot your rubber tree plant at least once every 12 months. These hardy plants can withstand neglect and are great for beginners.

Ruffled Fan Palm

Licuala Grandis
The leaves of this plant can grow up to 22 inches wide.

Scientific Name: Licuala Grandis

  • Plant Type: Perennial palm
  • Plant size: 6 feet tall
  • Water needs: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
  • Sun needs: Partial to complete shade

The Ruffled Fan Palm showcases heart-shaped foliage with pleats that resemble a paper fan. Each leaf can grow up to 22 inches wide, creating a visually stunning display. While the Ruffled Fan Palm is a popular choice among indoor houseplants, it can be challenging to acquire one. This plant is also pet-safe, making it a coveted option for pet owners.

Further reading:  Plant-Based Fish Fillet: A Delicious Vegan Alternative

Snake Plant

Dracaena trifasciata
This plant can do well in low light conditions but will grow best in moderate, indirect sunlight.

Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata

  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
  • Plant size: 8 feet tall
  • Water needs: Water every two weeks
  • Sun needs: Indirect light to full shade

The Snake Plant is a popular indoor plant with large leaves that’s incredibly easy to care for. Its stiff, upward-facing leaves are sword-shaped and come in various colors, commonly featuring a dark green center with a yellow or white border. Snake plants thrive in low-light conditions, making them perfect for hallways and basements. They are adaptable and require watering every two weeks.


Monstera deliciosa
Be sure to mist your plant regularly to maintain proper humidity.

Scientific Name: Monstera deliciosa

  • Plant type: Climbing evergreen
  • Plant size: 3 feet tall, 3 feet wide
  • Water needs: Water every 1-2 weeks and let it dry out between waterings
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light to partial shade

Monsteras are fan favorites for their large, showy green leaves with heart shapes and distinctive leaf splits called fenestrations. With proper support, they can grow as vines. To keep your Monstera thriving, ensure proper drainage in both the soil and container and avoid waterlogged roots. Consistent light, warm temperatures, and misting the plant regularly to maintain humidity are also essential.

Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera adansonii
If given the proper support, this plant will grow like a vine.

Scientific Name: Monstera adansonii

  • Plant type: Climbing evergreen
  • Plant size: 10 to 12 feet tall, 3 feet wide
  • Water needs: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

The Swiss Cheese Plant, also known as Monstera adansonii, features large, bright green leaves with holes in their foliage instead of splits. Given proper support in its container, this plant will grow like a vine. Swiss cheese plants have fast growth rates, but they don’t reach large heights when grown indoors. To ensure healthy growth, regular fertilization and pruning are necessary.

Velvet Philodendron

Philodendron Gloriosum
Expect this slow-growing plant to produce one leaf a month.

Scientific Name: Philodendron gloriosum

  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
  • Plant size: 3 feet tall
  • Water needs: Maintain even moisture
  • Sun needs: Bright, indirect light

The Velvet Philodendron is a rare creeping philodendron variety native to Colombia. It boasts gigantic yellow-green heart-shaped leaves with beautiful pink, pale green, or cream-colored veins. Velvet philodendrons prefer humidity levels between 60-80% and should be misted often if necessary. They are slow growers, producing one new leaf a month.


Thaumatophyllum Xanadu
This plant typically grows wider than it is tall.

Scientific Name: Thaumatophyllum xanadu

  • Plant Type: Perennial evergreen
  • Plant size: 2-4 feet tall, 6 feet wide
  • Water needs: Maintain even moisture
  • Sun needs: Medium, indirect light

The Xanadu plant is known for its bold and attractive foliage. Each leaf can reach up to 16 inches in length, with spiky, lobed edges. Unlike most philodendrons, Xanadu plants grow upwards rather than vining. They are compact plants that typically grow wider than they are tall. Xanadus thrive in well-drained soil, evenly moist conditions, and medium, indirect light.

Now that you have an array of indoor plants with large leaves to choose from, it’s time to create your very own indoor jungle. From the striking African Mask Plant to the elegant Majesty Palm, these plants will transform your space and bring the natural beauty of the jungle indoors. Happy gardening!

For all your plant needs, visit Ames Farm Center for a wide selection of indoor plants and gardening supplies.